Phizzo Entertainment presents...
"The Transducer" an invitational competition for emcees and rappers around the globe. This event will take place online through social media avenues like Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. The purpose of this event is to challenge contestants to step out of their comfort zone, display their skills and promote themselves to the masses. They will spend 4 weeks writing, freestyling and performing, making videos for the competition to be judge by their fans, friends and followers via Instagram/BlakAce604.
The competition will be 4 weeks long, with 4 different rounds of a 45 second video for each person, each round will be a different topic to rap about and each round will have a different element in this format;1 week written a cappella with no beat, 1 week will be a written verse to a beat of their choice, 1 week will be written to a beat of their choice and the last week will be written to a secret beat. Each week with their video i'll be posting a photo from the video for fans, friends and followers to vote on. The contestant with the most votes throughout the competition wins the $500 cash prize or a Wireless Performing
Microphone of equal value. There will be 3 special door prizes for; photo with the most votes, video with most votes overall and the video with the most votes of week 4.
Rappers - MCs - Artists
💵~Phizzo Entertainment~💵
☆•💰Proudly Presents💰•☆
🎼Ťhë Ťŕãñşđüçêŕ🎼
Welcome to 🎼Ťhë Ťŕãñşđüçêŕ🎼
a Rap & Hip Hop competition featuring Artists, Rappers and Emcees...Vote today for your favorite performer rapping a written 45 second a capella verse about the topic "You" which is all focused on themselves and introducing who they are in this competition to the masses. Feel free to; Comment on, Like and Share these posts with your family and friends. All I ask is please be respectful, share constructive criticism and cheer for your favorite performer. All negative comments will be deleted and if you only have negative energy to share please keep it to yourself.
if you are interested in signing up and joining the comp DM/Inbox @blakace604 asap spots are still available!
Thank you for your support and let's have some fun y'all !